The long-eared owl may be found in many areas of Britain and Ireland, but it is not common and, being nocturnal, it is rarely seen.


Long-Eared Owl and Humans

The long-eared owl does not like living near humans. It is much more shy than the tawny owl, which has adapted well to man-made environments and happily lives in gardens and parks, as long as there are trees to roost and nest in. The shyness of the long-eared owl may explain why it is not as common as the tawny owl.

Another factor which has an influence on the breeding success of the owl is the amount of prey in the owls' habitat. For example, if the population of small mammals is low one year, fewer pairs nest and fewer young are raised. Modern intensive farming methods, which have reduced the number of small mammals and small birds in the countryside are likely to be having an effect on the long-eared owl population. However, in 2020, there have been sightings of the Long-Eared Owl in the Peak District with the fledgling long-eared owls being spotted on a grouse moor.


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