The wood mouse, also known as the long-tailed field mouse, though rarely seen as it is nocturnal, is probably Britain's most numerous mammal. 



Mating begins in March and continues through into the autumn, even into the winter if it is mild enough and there is plenty of food. After a gestation period (the time between mating and birth) of about 4 weeks, the female gives birth to 4 - 7 naked and blind young. She may produce 4 litters a year, although it is normally two or three. The babies are born into a nest chamber, deep in the burrow, which is lined with leaves, moss and grass. They open their eyes at 6 days old and by then they will have a full coat of fur, darker than that of the adult. After 3 weeks, the mother forces her youngsters out of the nest and they are then on their own. Many do not live for more than 3 - 4 months and the overall population has an annual variation, the greatest number being in the early autumn, the lowest in the early spring.

Read More: Wood Mice and Humans

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