Green Turtles are found in all the warmer oceans and in the Mediterranean. They have thick, heavy, bony shells, covered in plate-like scales.


Green Turtles and Humans

Although it is illegal to hunt green turtles, they are still killed for their flesh and for their shells, which are used for jewellery and ornaments. This black-market trade has caused the green turtle to become an endangered species.

The WWF are aiming to reduce the accidental catching of turtles along with fish, by working with fisheries to switch to more turtle-friendly fishing hooks (“circle” hooks) and other devices that stop turtles from getting caught in nets. They run an international competition called Smart Gear to encourage creative new ways to solve these problems.  Winning devices have been designed to prevent turtles getting caught on tuna longlines and to help turtles avoid gillnets. The WWF also works with fishermen to help them save turtles caught in fishing gear. 

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