Tell us about how your students are taking action for sustainability at your school and win up to £2,000 in the Eco Action Awards for Schools!

Do you have students who are doing something to improve sustainability at your secondary school?  Perhaps they have set up a recycling scheme, created a new wildlife area, are raising awareness of climate change or promoting sustainable transport.

The Eco Action Awards for Schools is a new competition for secondary schools in England that aims to recognise and encourage action for sustainability among students.  Individuals and groups of young people aged 11-18 are able to take part.  The Eco Action Awards for Schools are supported by The Edwin Group and are devised and organised by the Young People’s Trust for the Environment (YPTE).

The prizes

The best entry will receive £2,000 for the school, whilst two runner-up schools will receive £1,000 each.

How to take part

You can enter the Eco Action Awards for Schools by asking your students to tell us about ANY project they are doing to promote sustainability at school.  This might be your school’s Eco Club, or any other group of students, and there is no limit to the number of students who can take part in an entry.

Students should submit their entries in the form of a short report.  They can choose either to write a report and provide some photographic evidence of their work, or to create a video to explain their project.

Reports should be 500 words or less and include up to 20 photos, while videos should be no more than 3 minutes in duration.

Sending entries

Entries should be submitted by a teacher via email to with the subject header “Eco Action Awards Entry”.  An entry form, which has been completed by a teacher, MUST be emailed with the submission.   Any entries that are too large to be sent by email can be sent via to

Deadline for entries

We need to receive your entry by 31 March 2023.

Judging panel

The judging panel will include young people aged 16-24, who are Young Trustees of YPTE, along with staff from YPTE and The Edwin Group.

When will the winners be announced?

All winners will be informed of their success by 5 May 2023.

Important note

Images from entries may be used for YPTE and The Edwin Group’s social media and websites, so relevant parental permissions should be obtained prior to the submission of entries.  The Edwin Group nor YPTE will NEVER publish the names of any students featured in photos or video clips.

Full rules

Click here for full competition rules.

About The Edwin Group

We are a growing collective of like-minded education professionals, working together to positively impact the lives of young people. We achieve this through an enriched offer of specialist staffing, safeguarding and training to support schools, teachers, leaders and caregivers, with young people placed at the heart of everything we do. We’re building an experienced and proactive group of dedicated companies and practitioners, all with an unwavering commitment to educational improvement. 

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