
Tens of thousands of young people walked out of school last Friday to express their alarm at the apparent inaction of politicians across the globe in the face of mounting evidence for climate change and how it is going to affect our planet in the near future.

Striking and memorable slogans were painted on placards grasped by students across the world.  Wherever they were protesting, they were united in the kinds of messages they were sending the world’s leaders.

‘Planet Earth is more valuable than money’ was seen in Wellington, New Zealand, as was ‘We live with your decisions’.  Another striking message, this time from Sydney, Australia was ‘Denial is NOT a policy’.

Meanwhile, in Europe, ‘Change the system, not the climate’ was on display in Berlin, Germany, whilst ‘There is no Planet B’ was on display not only  in Brighton, England, but also in Hong Kong, China.

It is inspiring to see how young people across the planet are uniting to try to address the issues we face from climate change.  We must all hope that global leaders start to unite around that theme, so that we can all begin to make the changes we need in order to prevent the worst impacts of climate change.


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